95 migrants refusing to get off a commercial ship rescued them and brought them to the port of Misrata
#Libyan_Cloud_News_Agency - Misrata.

The NIVIN PANAMA (B206533), a merchant vessel, arrived at the port of Misrata with 95 immigrants on board. The migrants of different nationalities were rescued on Thursday 90 miles north of the city of Al-Khums on a shabby boat.
The merchant vessel docked at the port of Misrata on Saturday morning, and until Sunday morning the migrants remained on the ship. They refused to get off. They also attacked the Libyan coast guards at the port and they asked for their deportation to Italy.
The director of the branches and centers of the anti-illegal immigration agency, Colonel Abdulsalam Aliwan, said that the attempts to get them off the ship peacefully continue, but it is necessary for the countries of the world to stand with Libya in dealing with this exhausting topic. “The responsibility must be shared by all and not only by one country – Libya”, he added.
“Although these immigrants are violating the laws of Libyan sovereignty, we sympathize with them humanely and appreciate their plight, but by choosing irregular migration, we are in distress as a people suffering from anarchy, deteriorating security conditions and poor control over land border crossings, especially the south.”