Economics and Business

German-Libyan Economic Expert Forum held in Tripoli

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

The 3rd German-Libyan Economic Expert Forum opened in Tripoli on Monday.

The Minister of Economy, Mohammad Al-Hawaij, the President of the General Federation of the Libyan Chambers of Industry, Trade and Agriculture, Mohammad Al-Ra’id, the German ambassador to Libya, Oliver Owcza, and a number of investors and businessmen in the two countries attended the forum.

The participants discussed several topics including the return of German companies to the Libyan market in the fields of oil, energy and transportation.

The Chairman the National Oil Corporation said that this forum is an excellent step to give a good impression that the situation in Libya is stable, and that foreign companies, especially German, can return to Libya to resume their projects.

The German ambassador to Libya, Oliver Owcza, said that 10 leading German companies are participating in the forum to have consultations with the Libyan business community with the aim to strengthen Libyan-German business cooperation.

He expressed hope that cooperation in the energy sector will improve, saying his country will begin a project on advising the Libyan authorities how to regulate and set up the legal framework in the renewable energy sector.

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