Migration and Human RightsNews
Al-Khums Coast Guard rescues 100 migrants – including nine Libyans
#Libyan_Cloud_News_Agency - Al-Khums.

On Sunday evening, a patrol of the coast guard’s central sector on the Qumens boat rescued 100 migrants, including 86 men, 13 women and one child. They come from different countries Sudan, Eritrea, Niger, Central Africa, the Republic of Congo. Nine people are Libyans. They come from different cities.
They were on board a rubber boat that crashed at 28 sea miles north of Al-Khums. The coast guard took them back to the point of landing of Nyein.
They were provided with humanitarian and medical assistance by Médecins sans Frontières MSF, the International Medical Corps and the Al-Khums coast guard personnel and were handed over to the illegal immigration control center at the market center of Al-Khums.