Security and Judiciary

Operation IRINI verified 1650 ships

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Rome

The commander of the European Union Naval Force Mediterranean Operation IRINI announced that the operation, which began last spring, verified 1650 ships and 155 flights, and monitored 16 ports and oil terminals, in addition to 25 airports.

Admiral Fabio Agostini said in an interview with the Adenkronos media group that Operation IRINI boarded 65 merchant ships and inspected six of them, one of them was Royal Diamond 7 which was diverted to a Greek port to prevent the delivery of aviation fuel to Benghazi.

Agostini explained that Operation IRINI issued 18 special reports to the United Nations with evidence of illicit trade in arms and oil, indicating that these reports related to smuggling attempts on behalf of both parties in the west and eastern Libya.

He emphasized that Operation IRINI is not against any specific party or country, but rather implements the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council in the entire area of ​​operations, regardless of the parties involved.

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