A security force prevents the municipal elections in Zallah city

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Zallah
The head of the Fourth Generation Organization for Human Rights Abdul Basset Al-Kilani has told the Libyan Cloud News Agency that the municipal elections in Zallah city were interrupted by a security force.
Al-Kilani said that the elections were supposed to be held on Saturday, January 07, but the Chief of Criminal Investigation Department in Al-Jufra, Zaidan Hashem, ordered the head of the Sub-committee for Local Council Elections to stop the electoral process, threatening him with arrest if he opened the voting centers.
According to Al-Kilani, the Criminal Investigation Department prevented citizens from voting, and closed the streets leading to the polling centers. The head of the Sub-committee for Local Council Elections was arrested for hours and was set free later in the evening.
Al-Kilani concluded that the reasons for preventing the electoral process are not known.