Radiological survey team denies radioactive contamination of sites targeted by NATO in 2011 in Zliten
#Libyan_Cloud_News_Agency - Zliten.

The radiation survey team of the Radiation Measurements Center at the Atomic Energy Agency confirmed there was no radioactive contamination of sites targeted by NATO during the 2011 revolution.
The Panel explained that its report included two phases: the first was completed from 16-18 May 2017 and the second was completed from 30 September to 4 October 2018.
The team noted that it carried out surveys and radiological measurements by portable devices to measure the radioactive contamination of sites targeted by NATO bombs and missiles, including 55 sites like government buildings, schools, camps, factories, workshops, clubs, hospitals and homes.
The team referred to his use of the Military Engineering Directorate Zliten and the Environmental Hygiene Office in the municipality of Zliten, adding that he completed his report at the request of the mayor.