Tourism and Archaeology

Stolen antiquities returned to Libya from the USA

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

Libyan and U.S. officials held a handover ceremony for stolen antiquities at Al-Khold Palace in Tripoli on Thursday.

The Embassy of Libya in Washington, in cooperation with the competent American authorities, retrieved the two stolen artifacts before being sold at auctions in the USA.

The items returned to Libya included the “Veiled Head of a Female” from a private collection of illicitly obtained artifacts, as well as the “Head” which had been in the custody of the Metropolitan Museum of New York since 1998, as well as other artifacts and art pieces that had been confiscated and turned over to the Libyan Embassy in the United States.

The head of the Committee for the Recovery of Stolen Funds and Property, Idris Qatanesh, told the Libyan Cloud News Agency that the efforts of the Antiquities Authority and the Attorney General’s Office in New York culminated in recovering these rare artifacts.

He congratulated all Libyans on this achievement, confirming that there are ongoing efforts to recover all looted antiquities in some other countries.

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