Political Affairs

The National Forum to Support Elections held in Tripoli

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

The National Forum to Support Elections was held in Tripoli on Wednesday, in the presence of several state officials, leaders of political parties, civil society institutions, academics, and human rights activists.

The participants emphasized the importance of holding the elections on their scheduled date on December 24.

The former Minister of Interior, Fathi Bashagha, told the Libyan Cloud News Agency that the elections cannot be postponed, stressing that the presidential and parliamentary elections will be held simultaneously.

“My message to the Libyan people is that they are able to advance Libya and get out of this crisis. We will see the new Libya rise and have a prosperous future.” He said.

At the end of the forum, the participants issued a set of recommendations calling for holding the elections on time, demanding all parties to abide by the election results and to allow candidates to practice their electoral campaigns.

They called on the United Nations Mission to commit all parties to their commitments to the political roadmap and urged the High National Election Commission to take the initiative and hold transparent and fair elections.

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