Political Affairs

The Constituent Assembly for Drafting the Constitution rejected the outcomes of the Legal Committee of the LPDF

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

The Constituent Assembly for Drafting the Constitution (CADC) held a press conference held on Sunday in Tripoli on the outcomes of the Legal Committee of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF).

The CADC rejected the Legal Committee’s conclusion regarding the constitutional process, saying that the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has shifted its work from pushing towards a solution to the crisis in Libya to managing the crisis.

It added that UNSMIL repeatedly proposes alternatives to prolong the transitional stage.

The CADC called on all relevant institutions and authorities to complete the stages of the constitutional process, by showing respect the outcomes of the CADC which was elected by the people.

It urged them to enable the Libyan people to say their final word on the Libyan constitution drafted by the CADC through a free and fair public referendum.

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