Political Affairs

The African Parliament called foreign forces to leave Libya

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Johannesburg

The African Parliament welcomed the resolution of the United Nations Security Council to support the Presidential Council and the Government of National Unity to hold the presidential and parliamentary elections on December 24.

The Political advisor of the African Parliament speaker, Mostafa Al-Gendy, stressed in a statement the need to respect and support the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement, including the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya and to support the work of the Joint Military Committee 5 + 5.

Al-Gendy urged the political stakeholders and the Libyan people to rally around the Presidential Council and the Government of National Unity in order to preserve the territorial integrity of Libya, restore security and stability inside the country, and prevent all external interference.

He also urged the legislative authorities in Libya to prepare all means to support the work of the government to conduct the general elections on time, approve the budget, and to work to reach an agreement on the sovereign positions as indicated in the Libyan roadmap.

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