Political Affairs

Charge d’Affaires of the American Embassy: « We want to see an end to this fighting and for Libya to use its immense potential »

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tunisia

The Libyan Cloud News Agency interviewed the Chargé d’Affairs at the American Embassy in Libya, Joshua Harris, in a special meeting.

What does the United States of America present to Libya within the economic, cultural and humanitarian sectors? 

Thank you very much for the chance to speak with you.

The United States is very proud of our relationship with Libya. We have a deep and historic relationship. At present, we are working very closely to achieve an end to the violence and a return to the political dialogue. As a friend and partner of Libya, the United States very much wants to see a stable unified future for the country so Libya could stand on its own to ensure stability and prosperity for its people. And with that regard, I am very excited about the possibility for the bilateral relationship between the United States and Libya to develop, once we are able to move on for the end of this violence.

We have a deep economic relationship. U.S. companies are quite interested in opportunities in Libya as Libyan and the United States collaboration can be expanded further, in terms of culture, we are very much like to see that develop in critical steps and accomplishment, and achieve an end to the violence.

Will the division and political conflict in Libya affect the aid the United States provides to the Libyan state and people?

We’ve very much want to see an immediate end to the fighting and a return to the political dialogue. Too many Libyans are suffering. Ten months into a very costly war; we are extremely concerned about the number of civilian casualties, about the humanitarian impact of this fighting as Libyans face high prices for food, challenges to the electricity and difficulties in getting gasoline. Travel is very difficult and in many cases dangerous. The humanitarian impact is very much in focus for us in order for Libya to move forward and as I say it’s a partner and a friend. For the Libyan people we want to see an end to this fighting, there is a critical first step which is to achieve a lasting ceasefire so Libya can move forward and accomplish its tremendous potentials. I had the opportunity to serve in Libya for two years prior to the revolution. I travelled around the amazing and beautiful country from Tripoli to Benghazi to the south. Libya has potentials and that’s something the United States is very keen to support all Libyan friends and partners as they try their own way forward.

Q: The United Nations has identified three tracks through which it works to build peace and stability in Libya, (The political track / the security track / the economic track), 

First, do you agree that they are valid paths and there are no others?

Second, where can the United States work with these options?

A: The United States supports the UN-facilitated dialogue which aims to bring together Libyans with respect to the political, economic and security issues so that the Libyan people are able to try their own way forward. We have been very proud to support this conversation. Last month in Berlin, Secretary Pompeo joined other world leaders in voicing clear support for the UN mediation, the UN-facilitated dialogue. There is a tremendous work to do in order for this dialogue to be successful. I think it’s critical, everyone wants to see Libya move forward inside and outside to everything they can to support this conversation. Peaceful dialogue is the way forward. Violence, military actions, violations of the arms embargo, reliance on foreign military partners, I don’t believe these things are compatible with what Libyans want, which to see their country achieve the stability and prosperity that Libyans deserve. We support what the UN is doing and I am happy to be a partner with us. Thank you.

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