Political Affairs

Briefing of the head of UNSMIL to the UNSC

Libyan Cloud News Agency – New York

The head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Jan Kubis, held a briefing to the UN Security Council on the situations in Libya.

Kubis said that he had talked to major political actors and some civil society groups and representatives and urged them to secure an agreement towards protecting the electoral path and managing the post-electoral situation.

He indicated that the preparations for December elections are going fine, and that the Speaker of the House of Representatives had informed him that the presidential electoral law was already adopted as law No.1/2021, while the parliamentary elections can be organized on the basis of the existing law with possible amendments that could be considered and approved within the coming two weeks.

“The High National Elections Commission has already received the presidential election law. The High Council of State complained that the law was adopted without consulting it.” He said.

Kubis explained that there are calls for a vote of no-confidence against the Government of National Unity, and cautioned that attempts to change the interim executive authority so close to the election date only create more uncertainty about the elections and problems in preparing and securing the election.

He urged all member states and regional organizations to coordinate with the High National Elections Commission for holding fair elections.   

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