UNSMIL issued a statement regarding Rome meeting on the electoral laws

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Rome
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said on Monday that it had accepted the invitation of Libya’s House of Representatives (HoR) to provide support to the work of the HoR Committee, established pursuant to HoR decision 42 of 7 July 2021, and the High National Elections Commission (HNEC), during the meeting in Rome from 26-29 July.
UNSMIL explained in a statement that its role during this meeting will be to provide technical support and advice to the HoR Committee and the HNEC in developing draft electoral laws, based on UN principles of electoral assistance and human rights principles.
UNSMIL stressed in the statement the importance of an inclusive electoral process and of including the High Council of State in the preparation of the electoral laws, including during the meeting in Rome, in line with relevant provisions of the Libyan Political Agreement and the Tunis Roadmap regarding the preparation of the electoral legislation.
It urged the HoR and the HCS to act in goodwill towards these objectives and to coordinate in line with the relevant provisions of the Libyan Political Agreement.