Life and Community

First batch of Libyans arrives home from Ukraine

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

An Afriqiyah Airways plane landed at Mitiga International Airport in Tripoli on Thursday, carrying the first batch of Libyan nationals residing in Ukraine coming through the Slovak territories.

The first batch included 165 nationals who were received at the airport by the Ministers of Local Government and Housing and Construction.

The Minister of Local Government Badr Eddin Al-Toumi said that the number of Libyan citizens residing in Ukraine is 3000, noting that some Libyans are still trapped in areas of clashes and that the Libyan embassy is working hard to get them out safely.

The minister explained that since the start of the war in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has formed crisis committees in Ukraine and its neighboring countries, indicating that the evacuation flights will be continue in the coming days.

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