Health and Environment

Breast cancer awareness month started in Libya

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Tripoli

The national campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer has been launched at Ain Al-Hayat Hospital in Tripoli, under the theme “do not be in the eighth edition”.

The program of the campaign included a series of specialized lectures on the importance of early detection of the breast cancer, as well as the services provided by the Oncology Department at Ain Al Hayat Hospital.

The director of the hospital, Dr. Muhammad Marshan, told the Libyan Cloud News Agency that the hospital is offering free services to detect and educate women and men about the dangers of this disease.

He said that this campaign continues throughout the current month.

For her part, Oncologist Afaf Abu Shaala explained that over the past four years, women have become more aware and careful than before, and this has been seen through their interest in early detection and their frequent visits to clinics to follow up and remedy the disease before it spreads.

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