Life and Community

Women over 50 of age joined school to learn how to read and write

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Qabroun

Al-Nour School for the Elderly in Qabroun has 35 female students over 50 years of age. Ejmai’a Hussein, who is a student in the first classroom, advises those who do not know how to read and write to enroll in the school and attend literacy courses.

He said that she has joined the school recently because she did not have the opportunity to learn when she was young because of her family’s living conditions, but today she can read and write thanks to Al-Nour School.

The 35 female students are divided into four classrooms and they study the same curricula of the primary stage.

The officials of the Adult Education Department of Bint Baiya in southwestern Libya made a recent inspection visit to Al-Nour School with the aim of exchanging experiences and identifying the most important problems that hinder the study and finding appropriate solutions to them.

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