AOHR expresses concern about the missing persons

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Exclusive
The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Libya (AOHR) has expressed deep concern about the increase of the numbers of missing persons in the cities of Tripoli, Qarabulli, Tarhuna, and Sirte.
AOHR said the absence of law, the weakness of the judiciary, and the domination of regional and political militias on the judiciary and the detention centers are behind the increase of the missing persons.
It stressed that the fate of the missing persons falls on the internationally recognized government.
“Information documented by AOHR confirms that dozens of detainees have been subjected to various types of systematic torture, while the majority of them suffer poor health and living conditions,” AOHR noted.
It added that the militias have deprived the detainees of their right of health care while many others have been kept for months without being referred to the public prosecutor.
AOHR called on the House of Representatives as the legitimate elected authority in the country to address the files of the detainees, and missing and displaced persons and put them on the priority of its agenda.