World Food Program delegation visited south Libya

Libyan Cloud News Agency – Sabha
A delegation from the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) conducted a visit to south Libya to discuss with local government officials ways to promote peace and development.
The delegation included representatives from UN agencies, international NGOs, research institutes and representatives from the European Union, Germany and Switzerland.
The Mayor of Sabha Municipality, Ibrahim Al-Shawish, welcomed the delegation and stressed the need to find sustainable solutions to the southern region, especially in the field of social protection.
“Over the past ten years, the political turmoil has affected the local residents, as well as the municipality’s ability to provide basic services. In cooperation with the international community, I would like to take this opportunity to find sustainable solutions that will contribute to peace and development in our region.” Al-Shawsh told the delegation.
The Ambassador of the European Union to Libya, Jose Sabadell, explained that their visit to Sabha represents a milestone towards building trust and cooperation between their Libyan partners.
He noted that they will focus on providing basic services such as water, electricity, health, education, economic recovery and reconciliation.